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Senate Confirms Rosenstein To Head U.S. Probe Of Russian Election Meddling

Rod Rosenstein (file photo)
Rod Rosenstein (file photo)

The Senate has voted 94 to 6 to confirm Rod Rosenstein as deputy U.S. attorney general.

The longtime prosecutor will oversee the department's investigation into Russian influence in the U.S. elections as Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself last month after revelations he had undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador last year.

Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee announced that two former Obama administration officials -- Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates -- will testify on May 8 in that committee's investigation of alleged Russian interference in the election.

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, who sits on the committee, said he wanted to ask Clapper and Yates whether they knew about a court order allowing FBI surveillance of the communications of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in 2016.

The Washington Post reported this month that such a warrant had been issued.

Clapper said in a March television interview he was not aware of any wiretapping of Trump or advisers.

"I want to get to the bottom of this," Graham told Fox News.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters

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